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  • Bybsa
Products & Services > Industrial maintenance & securities applications

BYBSA offers mechanical, electrical / electronic maintenance services (in our or in customers facilities) for machinery and all types of industrial facilities (whether or not manufactured by us). BYBSA make these maintenances fitting to the production needs of our customers. So also offer maintenance services to August and Saturday, to try to have the minimum influence in them production.


BYBSA also adapts and transforms any machine or production line (after a study of the status of this), and study options for change and improve for enhance productivity, safety and efficiency.

Certificació: UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015

Balmaña y Balmaña
Certified company
UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015

Web design Barcelona: Montaweb.com
Legal information

Company: Tallers BYB, S.A.

NIF: A-08411159

Adress: Sant Genis s/n, Palafolls - 08389 - Barcelona

Telephone: 937 62 00 95

E-mail: info@bybsa.com